Arabic Language Blog

Tag Archives: The Doer of a verb

Verbal Sentence: The Subject/Doer (Part 2) Posted by on Sep 17, 2012

      Today we are going to continue our study of the second element in the Verbal Sentence الـجـمـلــة الـفـعـلـيـــة ; the subject. We have already known that the subject or the doer الــفــاعــِــل of an action is a noun (or a pronoun) that is in the Nominative Case حــَــالــَــةُ الــرَّفــْــعِ and is preceded by an…

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Verbal Sentence: The Subject/Doer (Part 1) Posted by on Sep 6, 2012

The Verbal Sentence: The Subject/Doer الــفــاعــِــل (Part 1) We have already started studying Arabic verbs. Check the previous posts for revision: 1)      Introduction to Verbs مـُـقــَــدِّمــَــة فـِـى الأفــْــعــَـــال   2)      Verb Type نــَــوعُ الــفــِــعــْـــلِ   3)      Verb Tense زمــنُ الــفــِــعــلِ ; (1) The Past الــمــَــاضــِــى   4)      Verb Tense زمــنُ الــفــِــعــْــلِ ; (2) The Present…

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