Marhaba! I am confident you enjoyed learning about this great late Tunisian poet. His poetry is certainly inspiring in every possible way. Poetry is another beautiful artistic way to express thoughts and feelings about real world significant issues and problems. The grievances of the Arabs in different states are immense and different poets, scholars, painters, and musicians have striven to personalize these struggles and recount these hardships in different artistic venues. In this post, I am sharing two things: first, the answers to the questions I asked in the previous post, and two YouTube videos of the great Ali el-Aswad Marzouki in which he recites parts of his poetry. The first video is about the Arab Spring and the second one is about Camp David. You will realize that the Tunisian dialect is a bit harder than other Arab dialects to comprehend, but I wanted to share these videos to introduce you all to this dialect and Marzouki’s passion in reciting his poetry.
ارتبط اسمه بالقضايا القومية من فلسطين والمقاومة اللبنانية واتفاقية كامب ديفيد المشؤومة، وصولاً الى حصار العراق وتدميره وتدمير حلف الأطلسي ليبيا، وتخريب سوريا باسم «الربيع العربي».
1. His name was linked to national issues from Palestine, the Lebanese resistance and the inauspicious Camp David Accords, to the siege of Iraq and its destruction and the destruction of Libya by NATO and the devastation of Syria in the name of the “Arab Spring”.
.“الربيع العبري”
2. “The Hebrew Spring”
عاش حياة بسيطة في الصحراء مع البدو والفلاحين في الواحات التي تغزل بالحياة.
3. He lived a simple life in the dessert with the nomads and the peasants in the oases that were filled with life.
كان الشعراء الشعبيون يتسابقون على إنشاد الشعر فيه أمام الزعيم الحبيب بورقيبة.
4. The popular poets competed to recite power in front of the leader Habib Bourguiba.
5. Translation of sentence:
بدأت شهرة علي الاسود المرزوقي في أواخر السبعينيات، وأول الثمانينيات بعد عودته من هولندا التي هاجر اليها أواخر الستينيات هرباً من الفقر وبحثاً عن ظروف عيش أجمل.
The fame of Ali Aswad Al-Markouki began in the late 70s, early 80s after his return from Holland where he had immigrated in the end of the 60s escaping from poverty and looking for better living conditions.
Salam everyone! Born as an American to two originally Arab parents, I have been raised and have spent most of my life in Beirut, Lebanon. I have lived my good times and my bad times in Beirut. I was but a young child when I had to learn to share my toys and food with others as we hid from bombs and fighting during the Lebanese Civil War. I feel my connection to Arabic as both a language and culture is severing and so it is with you, my readers and fellow Arabic lovers, and through you that I wish to reestablish this connection by creating one for you.