The 10 Most Interesting Facts about Thanksgiving in Arabic! Posted by jesa on Nov 26, 2014 in Arabic Language
Marhaba! I cannot emphasize the importance of giving thanks to family members, friends and random people that you meet day in and day out. As I mentioned earlier on, I think one should always give thanks throughout the year and not on one particular day. Like every year, millions of people in the United States are commuting in every possible mode of transportation to make it in time for Thanksgiving. Americans in the U.S. and around the world will celebrate Thanksgiving this Thursday November 27. By all means,it’s the holiday for celebrating thanks, having a great and huge meal, shopping for family and friends, and relaxing a bit from work and everyday stress. Today I am sharing what I think are the 10 most interesting facts about Thanksgiving. To make it sweeter and beneficial to your learning, I have translated these facts to Arabic. So next time you’re with friends and family, you can impress them with these facts by discussing them in Arabic. If you happen to be spending Thanksgiving Day with friends or family in the U.S. or somewhere around the world, then make sure you study this post thoroughly to make an impression with any Arabic-speaking friends at the table.
1) The first Thanksgiving was held in the Autumn of 1621.
إحتُفِلَ بأول عيد شُكر في خريف عام 1621
2) The first Thanksgiving celebration lasted for three days.
أول إحتفال بعيد الشكر دام ثلاثة أيام
3) The first Thanksgiving dinner was eaten with spoons and knives, but no forks.
أول عشاء شكر إستُعمِلَ فيه ملاعق وسكاكين ولكن من دون شوَك
4) President Abraham Lincoln made Thanksgiving a U.S. national holiday in 1863.
أعلن الرئيس ابراهيم لنكولن عيد الشكر عيداً رسميّاً سنة 1863
5) Historians mention that roasted turkey was not served at the first Thanksgiving dinner.
يظن المؤرخون أنه لم يُقَدَّم الديك الرومي في أول عشاء بعيد الشكر
6) Thanksgiving is the reason for TV dinners, which began in 1953.
عيد الشكر هو السبب وراء ظهور الوجبات السريعة (أو وجبة التيليفزيون) عام 1953
7) Every year Thanksgiving is celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November.
يُحتَفَل بعيد الشكر كل رابع خميس من شهر تشرين الثاني من كل سنة
8) Starting with President Truman in 1947, each year the President of the U.S. pardons a turkey.
ابتدائاً مع الرئيس ترومن سنة 1947, يقوم رئيس الولايات المتحدة بالعفو عن ديك رومي كل عام
9) Approximately 700 million pounds of turkey are consumed each Thanksgiving.
يُستَهلَك حوالي 700 مليون باوند من الديك الرومي (الحبش) كل عيد شكر
10) Benjamin Franklin wanted the turkey to be the national bird of the U.S., not the eagle.
أراد الرئيس بنجامين فرانكلن أن يكون الديك الرومي (الحبش) الطائر الرمز الوطني للولايات المتحدة وليس النسر
To all those celebrating this Thursday, a very Happy Thanksgiving to you! Enjoy and always remember to give thanks!!
stay tuned for upcoming posts!
Have a nice day!!
نهاركم سعيد
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About the Author: jesa
Salam everyone! Born as an American to two originally Arab parents, I have been raised and have spent most of my life in Beirut, Lebanon. I have lived my good times and my bad times in Beirut. I was but a young child when I had to learn to share my toys and food with others as we hid from bombs and fighting during the Lebanese Civil War. I feel my connection to Arabic as both a language and culture is severing and so it is with you, my readers and fellow Arabic lovers, and through you that I wish to reestablish this connection by creating one for you.