The Garbage Crisis in Lebanon: What’s the ‘You Stink Movement’ All About? (2) Posted by jesa on Sep 12, 2015 in Arabic Language
Marhaba! I hope you all found the previous post interesting. I always strive to keep you all Arabic lovers as fully updated as possible on the most pressing and interesting developments in the Arab world. Many expect that the You Stink Movement is sort of a manifestation of the Arab Spring in Lebanon, while others feel less about optimistic about the prospects of popular uprisings in triggering effective change. Time will tell whether the thousands that took (and are still taking) to the streets of Beirut will be able to launch and sustain a much needed era of reform and change in Lebanon. Today I am sharing the answers to the questions from the previous posts.
1. By accusing its (the movement) organizers of loyalties of certain embassies, and with excuses about the direction of the movement in the absence of actual plans or a leader to set a map for the road to a new Lebanese reality
باتهام منظميه بولاءات لسفارات، وبحجج حول كيفية إدارة هذا الحراك في ظل غياب خطط فعلية أو قائد لوضع خريطة طريق لواقع لبناني جديد
2. The public schools are abandoned, and its principles are often from a certain sect even if they have not fulfilled the professional qualifications necessary in terms of merit as well as age group especially in Beirut. As for private schools, it is enough that their huge tuition fees are such a burden on the Lebanese who pays them each year.
المدارس الرسمية مهملة، والمديرون فيها غالباً ما يكونون من طائفة معينة حتى لو لم يستوفوا الشروط الوظيفية لناحية الكفاية والفئة العمرية خصوصاً في بيروت، أما المدارس الخاصة فيكفي أنَّ أقساطها الهائلة التي يدفعها اللبناني سنوياً تُثقل كاهله
3. Lebanon’s loss of its youth and the brain drain, in light of the absence of job opportunities and proper labor management capable of allowing the Lebanese local market to absorb degree holders
خسارة لبنان فئاته الشابة وهجرة أدمغتهم، في ظل غياب فرص عمل وتنسيق وظيفي لكيفية استيعاب السوق المحلي اللبناني لحاملي الشهادات
4. Schools, prisons, judicial system, hospitals, public administration units, high cost of living, food security, job opportunities…
المدارس, السجون, القضاء, المستشفيات, دوائر الدولة الرسمية, الغلاء المعيشي, الامن الغذائي, فرص العمل
5. Translate the following sentence to English:
طلعت ريحتكم في القضاء حيث تمارس السلطة السياسية ضغوطاً بشتى الأساليب والوسائل ولمصالح شخصية
‘You stink’ in the judicial system, where the political power places pressure in all forms and ways for personal interests
If you are interesting see more photos of past protests, you can check their Facebook page here.
For now take care and stay tuned for upcoming posts!
Happy Learning!
Have a nice day!!
نهاركم سعيد

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About the Author: jesa
Salam everyone! Born as an American to two originally Arab parents, I have been raised and have spent most of my life in Beirut, Lebanon. I have lived my good times and my bad times in Beirut. I was but a young child when I had to learn to share my toys and food with others as we hid from bombs and fighting during the Lebanese Civil War. I feel my connection to Arabic as both a language and culture is severing and so it is with you, my readers and fellow Arabic lovers, and through you that I wish to reestablish this connection by creating one for you.