Weak Verbs: The Naaqis (Defective) Verb الفعل الناقص Posted by Fisal on Jun 1, 2011 in Arabic Language, Grammar, Vocabulary
- We said before that a weak verb is that which has one or two sick letters in its base (root).
- The letters that make a verb weak are: Waw (و ), Alif (ا ) and Yaa (ى ).
- The position of the sick letter in the root verb determines the type of the weak verb.
- Today, we will look at the third type of weak verbs; the Defective or Naaqis Verb الفعل الناقص.
A Naaqis (Defective) ناقص Verb is that whose third (last) letter is sick in its root form.
- Naaqis verbs have an Alif (ا ), a Yaa (ى ) or a Waw (و ) as its last letter.
- The final Alif is often turned into a Waw (و ) or a Yaa (ى ).
- To know the origin of the Alif, get the noun form of the root verb.
Examples: – غَزا = to invade (v.) ► غَزْو = invasion (n.) ► غَزَوَ (original verb)
– رَمَى = to throw (v.) ► رَمْىْ = throwing (n.) ► رَمَىَ (original verb)
The table below shows the different tense forms of this type of verbs;
Past الماضي | Present المضارع | Imperative الأمر | Noun الاسم | ||
Three Fold Naaqis (Defective) Verbs with Waw and Yaa as origin of the Final Alif |
To invite / call | دَعَا | يَدْعُو/ يَدْعُ | اِدعُ | دَعْوَة |
To seem | بَدَا | يَبْدُو / يَبْدُ | اِبْدُ | صَوْمٌ | |
To invade | غَزَا | يَغْزُو / يَغْزُ | اِغْزُ | غَزْوْ | |
To tower / soar | سَمَا | يَسْمو / يَسْمُ | اِسمُ | سُمُو | |
To tower / overlie | عَلا | يَعْلُو / يَعْلُ | اِعْـلُ | عُلـُو | |
To look at | رَنـَا | يَرْنـُو / يَرنُ | اِرنُ | رُنُو | |
To beg | رَجَي | يَرْجُو / يَرْجُ | اِرْجُ | رَجَاء | |
To get strong | قَوِىَ | يَقْوَى / يَقْوَ | اِقْوَ | قُوَّة | |
To run | جَرَى | يَجْرِى / يَجْرِ | اِجْرِ | جَرْىْ | |
To prohibit | نَهَىَ | يَنْهـِىِ / يَنْهِ | اِنْهِ | نَهْىْ | |
To build | بَنـَي | يَبْنـِى / يَبْنِ | اِبْنِ | بِنَاء | |
To throw | رَمَى | يَرْمـِى / يَرْمِ | اِرْمِ | رَمْىْ | |
To refuse | أبَى | يَأبَى / يَأبَ | اِئبَ | إبَاء | |
To walk | مَشَى | يَمْشـِى / يَمْشِ | اِمْشِ | مَشْىْ | |
To forget | نَسِىَ | يَنْسَى / يَنْسَ | اِنْسَ | نِسْيَانْ | |
To go blind | عَمِىَ | يَعْمَى / يَعْمَ | اِعْمَ | عَمَىَ | |
To accept | رَضِيَ | يَرْضَى / يَرْضَ | اِرْضَ | رِضَيَ | |
To stay / remain | بَقِىَ | يَبْقَى / يَبْقَ | اِبْقَ | بَقَاء | |
To seek / pursue | سَعَى | يَسْعَى / يَسْعَ | اِسْعَ | سَعْىْ | |
To fear | خَشِيَ | يَخْشَى / يَخْشَ | اِخْشَ | خِشْيَة | |
Other Naaqis verbsWith more than three letters | To sing | غَنَّىَ | يُغَنّى | غَنِّ | غِنَاء |
To accept | اِرْتَضَى | يَرْتَضِى | اِرْتَضِِ | اِرْتِضَاء | |
To seize / capture | اِسْتَوْلَى | يَسْتَولِِى | اِسْتَوْلِ | اِسْتِيلاء | |
To get arrogant | اِسْتَعْلَى | يَسْتَعْلِى | اِسْتَعْلِ | اِسْتِعْلاء | |
To lie down | اِسْتَلْقَى | يَسْتَلْقِى | اِسْتَلقِ | اِسْتِلقَاء | |
To summon | اِسْتَدْعَى | يَسْتَدْعِى | اِسْتَدْعِ | اِسْتِدْعَاء |
(Note 1 : The rules of gender and number we studied earlier apply to these verb tenses.)
(Note 2 : The final sick letter in Naaqis/Defective verbs is deleted in Imperative and Present Majzoom verb forms.)
(Note 3: The final sick letter in the Past Naaqis verb is deleted if the verb is attached to the Taa of Address or the Waw of the Masculine Plural; e.g. دَعُوا = They invited , لا تَدعِى = Don’t invite , جَرَوْا = They ran ..)
(Note 4 : The final sick letter in the Past Naaqis verb is turned to its origin (Yaa or Waw) if the verb is attached to a subject pronoun except for the Yaa of Address and the Waw of the Masculine Plural; e.g. دَعَوْتُ = I invited , دَعَوْتَ = You invited , دَعَوْنا = We invited , جَرَيْتُ = I ran , جَرَيْتَ = You ran , جَرَينَا = We ran .. etc.)
Next time, we will continue looking at Weak Lafeef Verbs.
Check us back soon
Peace سلام / Salam/

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About the Author: Fisal
Well, I was born near the city of Rasheed or Rosetta, Egypt. Yes, the city where the Rosetta Stone was discovered. It is a small city on the north of Egypt where the Nile meets the Mediterranean. I am a Teacher of EFL.
Junaid Shamim:
I think the sentence ‘The final Alif is often turned into a Waw (و ) or a Yaa (ى ) should be ‘ The final Waw or a Yass is often turned into Alif’
Thank you
Mehmood Ali:
Good and effective lessions .