Arabic Language Blog

Word search answer Posted by on Jan 31, 2011 in Vocabulary

As the Egyptian president and his regime insist on turning a deaf ear to the calls of the Egyptian people, the Egyptians organize a demonstration of a million people tomorrow (Tuesday) in Cairo and other cities. The hours of the curfew are extended and train trips are canceled in a desperate attempt to stop the million people demonstration from forming, but nothing can stop the winds of change!

Have you managed to find all the words in the word search game?

Egypt = مصر

People = شعب

Young people = شباب

Revolution = ثورة

Demonstration = تظاهر

Change = تغيير

regime = نظام

Reform = إصلاح

Security = أمن

Freedom = حرية

Army = جيش

Here is a reminder of the words and where to find them!

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