Tag Archives: Egypt
Song: ‘We love you بِنْحِبِّكْ’ *Egypt مَصْرْ* Posted by Hanan Ben Nafa on Oct 4, 2021

Today, I would like to share with you a patriotic song. أغنية وطنية, by the iconic Syrian singer – Assala Nasri أصالة نصري. The song is in Egyptian Arabic and was released last summer. Apart from the fact that most Arabs love Egypt, Assala has a special bond with Egypt as she has settled in…
Ramadan in Egypt is special حاجة تانية Posted by Hanan Ben Nafa on Apr 26, 2021

Welcome to a new blog post 🙂 In this post, we’re going to study a lovely song by the amazing Emirati singer المطرب الإماراتي الرائع: Hussain Al-Jassmi حسين الجسمي. As is the case in each Ramadan, Hussain sings a special song as a way كطريقة لِـ to celebrate للاحتفال بـ the holy month of Ramadan…
Ramadan came Posted by aziza on May 29, 2017

The holy month of Ramadan is here again. Muslims around the world celebrated the beginning of the holy month 3 days ago. In this post, I present a traditional song from Egypt to welcome the holy month. The song is called Ramadan came (رمضان جانا). رمضان جانا وفرحنا به Ramadan came and we are…
Celebrate Mother’s Day with a Beautiful Arabic Song Posted by jesa on Mar 21, 2017

Marhaba! As I have discussed in earlier posts, Mother’s Day is celebrated on March 21st across the Arab world. It coincides with the beginning of the Spring season. In the past, I have shared Marcel Khalife’s beautiful ballad, ‘To My Mother,’ and I have also shared 10 beautiful quotes for mother’s day in Arabic! Today…
Archaeological Discovery_reading1 Posted by aziza on Mar 12, 2017

In this post, I present the answers of the reading comprehension exercise based on a story adapted from bbcarabic: أعلنت وزارة الآثار المصرية اكتشاف تمثالين فرعونيين، أحدهما يرجح أنه للملك رمسيس الثاني، والآخر للملك سيتي الثاني، في منطقة المطرية، شرق القاهرة. ويعود التمثالان لعصر الأسرة التاسعة عشر، وعثر عليهما في محيط بقايا معبد الملك رمسيس…
Archaeological Discovery_reading Posted by aziza on Mar 10, 2017

In this post, I present a reading comprehension exercise based on a story adapted from bbcarabic. You can use the vocabulary provided to assist your comprehension. أعلنت وزارة الآثار المصرية اكتشاف تمثالين فرعونيين، أحدهما يرجح أنه للملك رمسيس الثاني، والآخر للملك سيتي الثاني، في منطقة المطرية، شرق القاهرة. ويعود التمثالان لعصر الأسرة التاسعة عشر، وعثر…
Meet Um Kulthum’s Granddaughter (2) Posted by jesa on Jan 21, 2017
Marhaba! I hope you found the recent listening comprehension exercise on Um Kulthum’s granddaughter inspiring and fun. Today, I am sharing the answers to the previous questions in the listening comprehension post. I am also sharing the news story to refresh your memory. I am also sharing another beautiful performance by Sana’ Nabil. I hope…