Chinese Language Blog

Archive for December, 2021

Giant panda breaks out of his Enclosure in front of visitors at Beijing Zoo Posted by on Dec 27, 2021

The Chinese word for zoo is composed of two nouns: 动物 (dòng wù, animal) + 园 (yuán, park) = 动物园 (dòng wù yuan, zoo) 动物 means animal. 园 means garden, park, and it is mostly used when talking about the beautiful public parks (公园 gōng yuán) of China (in Beijing, for example). The character 园 appears…

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Most Popular Chinese Blog Posts of 2021 Posted by on Dec 21, 2021

As we near the end of another year, here’s a good expression to learn in Chinese: 时间过得真快 (shí jiān guò dé zhēn kuài). It’s similar to saying “how time flies” in English, and I always find myself saying it this time of year. We have a tradition here at the blog of looking back on…

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Talking about New Year Resolutions in Chinese Posted by on Dec 14, 2021

December has come and festive vibes are in the air. 2021 is almost over and a fresh atmosphere of beginning dominates the preparations for the coming year. 年末 (nián mò, end of the year), is a good time for self-reflection, and thinking about a better future self. 新的一年新的开始,人人要看看自己走的道路,对自己许下很多完美的祝愿。然后打算每一天怎么过,每一步怎么前行。 Xīn de yī nián xīn de kāi…

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Top Chinese Songs of 2021 Posted by on Dec 8, 2021

Another year is winding down, so you know what that means. It’s time to review some of the top Chinese songs of 2021! Listening to music and reading lyrics is a great and fun way to practice your Chinese. Let’s take a look at some of the most popular songs in Mandarin that hit the…

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