Chinese Language Blog

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Making Chinese Dumplings (饺子) Posted by on Apr 11, 2011

If you’ve been to China, chances are you’ve munched on one of the many varieties of dumpings, or 饺子, that are eaten all over the country. Whether you get them boiled, fried, or steamed, they are all incredibly delicious. Having lived in China for around two years total now, and having eaten hundreds upon hundreds…

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History of the PRC – Part Seventeen Posted by on Apr 7, 2011

After the New Fourth Army Incident, things were not looking good for China in the Second Sino-Japanese War. The tension between the Nationalists and the Communists of China was escalating, and it became clear that the two sides could not put aside their hatred for each other to cooperate against the Japanese. It was apparent…

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A Trip Through 798 Art District – Part Two Posted by on Mar 27, 2011

As we continue our stroll through 798, check out some of the interesting art going on in the street – from funky sculptures, to live graffiti, to angels hanging off the side of a building. 喝咖啡以后,你可以看到很多有趣的雕塑 – hē kā fēi yǐ hòu, nǐ kě yǐ kàn dào hěn duō yǒu qù de diāo sù After…

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A Trip Through 798 Art District – Part One Posted by on Mar 25, 2011

Originally built as a military factory district back in 1954, the area that is now known simply as 798 is a thriving artistic community right in the heart of Beijing. While Cultural Revolution era propaganda can still be seen throughout the district, you will also stumble upon controversial works from Chinese artists such as the…

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Green Hats and the Number 250 Posted by on Mar 22, 2011

For newcomers just arriving in China, or people planning a trip or move to the Middle Kingdom, there are an abundance of cultural quirks that you should know about. I’ve been living here for just over two years total now, and I’m still learning new things each and every day. As such, I am by…

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A Trip to a Beijing Market Posted by on Mar 19, 2011

In China’s capital city, huge markets abound. One of the biggest, the Golden City Department Stores, is full of just abut everything you could possibly hope to find in a market. Attracting thousands of shoppers every single day, this bustling market makes for a great afternoon on a cold or rainy day. Whether you’re looking…

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History of the PRC – Part Sixteen Posted by on Mar 15, 2011

With the Japanese occupation of Wuhan, the KMT reestablished the government in Chongqing. Chiang Kai-shek refused to negotiate unless Japan agreed to withdraw to its pre-1937 borders, but they did not budge an inch. Resilient Chinese forces were taking their toll on Japan’s military, and as a result the Imperial General Headquarters of Japan ordered…

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