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History of the PRC – Part Nine Posted by on Dec 6, 2010

With China “unified” under Chiang’s rule and the capital relocated, the Nanjing decade (南京十年 – Nán jīng shí nián) commenced. The Nanjing government quickly received international recognition as the legitimate leader of China, and the Nationalists set about following the policies of their former leader – Sun Yat-sen. As stage one (military unification) had already…

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History of the PRC – Part Eight Posted by on Dec 3, 2010

When we last left off, Chiang Kai-shek, leader of the KMT, was preparing his soldiers for the Northern Expedition (北伐). Only July 9, 1926, he delivered a speech to over 100,000 soldiers of the National Revolution Army. The aim of the Expedition was to unify China under the KMT and disspose of warlord leadership. As…

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Beijing Roast Duck (北京烤鸭) Posted by on Nov 30, 2010

Without a doubt the most famous dish in all of China, Beijing Roast Duck (北京烤鸭 in Chinese) has been around since the days of the Ming Dynasty. These days, everyone can eat like the Emperor in Beijing’s countless upscale restaurants (for a price, of course). A visit to one of these fine dining establishments is…

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Hohhot, Inner Mongolia Video – Part Two Posted by on Nov 29, 2010

For Part Two of the Golden Week trip, we head out on a three-day tour of the desert and grasslands for some peace and quiet, fun with animals, and the experience of sleeping in a traditional Mongolian yurt. 沙漠 – shā mò desert 骑骆驼 – qí luò tuo ride camels 沙漠排球 – shā mò pái…

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History of the PRC – Part Seven Posted by on Nov 24, 2010

With the passing of Sun Yat-sen, peace talks in Beijing completely fell apart. As for Sun’s party, the KMT, there would of course have to be a changing of the guard. Wang Jingwei would control the left wing of the party, while Hu Hanmin would head the right wing. However, complete control lay with Chiang…

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Asian Games (亚运会) Posted by on Nov 19, 2010

With the Asian Games (亚运会 – Yà yùn huì) going on down south in Guangzhou, I figured a post with the Chinese name for some of the events taking place at the games is appropriate. Keep an eye on the blog for Part Seven of my “History of the PRC” series, as well as Part…

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Hohhot, Inner Mongolia Video – Part One Posted by on Nov 17, 2010

To celebrate Golden Week last month, I took a trip out to Hohhot, the capital of Inner Mongolia. Part Mongolian, part Chinese, Inner Mongolia, or 内蒙古, is a perfect travel destination for anyone fed up with the grind of the big city life in Beijing or Shanghai. Featuring plenty of incredible Buddhist temples, a mosque…

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