Chinese Language Blog

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How to do Your Grocery Shopping in China Posted by on Jul 30, 2015

Buying groceries is one of those aspects of life that you don’t realize how important it is until you’re in a place where you can’t understand any of the labels or communicate with the workers. For my first few weeks living in China, going to the grocery store was an adventure to say the very…

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Jianshui Ancient Town Posted by on Jul 28, 2015

When it comes to traveling in Yunnan, many people stick to the beaten path – Kunming, Dali, Lijiang, Tiger Leaping Gorge, and Shangri-La. These places are well documented in travel books such as Lonely Planet, the tourism industry of each is well developed, and it’s basically a straight line with convenient modes of transportation all…

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Zhu Family Gardens of Jianshui Posted by on Jul 27, 2015

Join us on a video tour of the epic Zhu family gardens, a Qing Dynasty era complex full of courtyards, ponds, stunning wood carvings, and much more. 龙舞 – lóng wǔ dragon dance 朱家花园 – zhū jiā huā yuán Zhou Family Gardens 米线 – mǐ xiàn rice noodles  

Jianshui Ancient Town (Video) Posted by on Jul 23, 2015

Cram on the train with everyone else to begin the Spring Festival rush and join us on a video tour of the ancient town of Jianshui in Yunnan province.

10 Great Posts for Intermediate Chinese Learners Posted by on Jul 21, 2015

Last year, I put together a little highlight reel of sorts with “10 Great Posts for Beginners” here on the Chinese blog. By following the links in that post, you can: learn about the pinyin system, get an introduction to the tones, learn how to say hello/goodbye, and much more. Seeing as how this blog…

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The 18 Oddities of Yunnan Posted by on Jul 15, 2015

We’ve been talking about Yunnan province a lot here on the blog lately. After all, I did just wrap up a year of living and working there. Those who missed out can see those posts here – Part One and Part Two. In addition to being home to many stunning landscapes and colorful ethnic minorities…

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One Year in Yunnan (Part Two) Posted by on Jul 9, 2015

I’ve had an amazing year living, working, and traveling in Yunnan province. In case you missed it, check out part one to discover the capital of Kunming, tourist hot spots Dali and Lijiang, the epic Tiger Leaping Gorge, and more. While all of the places we covered last time were north of the capital, for…

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