Chinese Language Blog

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One Year in Yunnan (Part One) Posted by on Jul 7, 2015

After over four years of living in Beijing, I decided to head south for cleaner air and better weather to live in Kunming, the provincial capital of Yunnan. I had a great job, nice apartment, and an amazing circle of friends, all of which were tough to leave behind. Before we even got to Kunming…

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Kunming Bird and Flower Market Posted by on Jul 2, 2015

Throughout China, you’ll find plenty of quirky and unique markets. One fine example is the Bird & Flower Market (花鸟市场 – huā niǎo shì chǎng) located in Kunming. Just off the major pedestrian shopping street of Zhengyi Road, you can find this maze of stalls specializing in – you guessed it – birds and flowers…

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Job Titles in Chinese Posted by on Jun 30, 2015

One of the most common questions you’ll get from people in China is “What’s your job?” (你做什么工作? – nǐ zuò shén me gōng zuò?) To answer, you simply say “I’m a…”(我是… – wǒ shì) plus your job title. 我是老师 To help you out, here are 25 common job titles in Chinese: accountant (会计 – kuài…

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Streets, Beats and Eats – Kunming Posted by on Jun 25, 2015

Explore the “Streets, Beats & Eats” of China’s Spring City. Take in the local culture at Green Lake Park, munch on “over the bridge” rice noodles, stroll around a night market, and take in some of the city’s best nightlife and live music. “Welcome to Kunming, China’s Spring City. Our trip begins at the Green…

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Summertime in China Posted by on Jun 24, 2015

We’ve already gone over some useful vocabulary for talking about summer in Chinese, but what is summertime really like in the Middle Kingdom? Just like in America and many other countries around the world, summer is full of family vacations, outdoor fun, and sunshine in China. Of course, people here do their best to avoid…

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Kunming – The Spring City Posted by on Jun 23, 2015

Recently, I wrote a short post about Kunming in Chinese. Due to my low-level of Chinese writing abilities, I wasn’t able to say a whole lot about my new home in that post. Plus, I realize that for a lot of our readers, a post like that is quite hard to follow. Never fear, because today…

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Dragon Boat Festival Video Posted by on Jun 20, 2015

Today marks the traditional Dragon Boat Festival in China, which falls on the 5th day of the 5th month in the lunar calendar. Learn about the most important aspects of this traditional Chinese holiday in this short video: 端午节 – duān wǔ jié Dragon Boat Festival 屈原 – qū yuán Qu Yuan 粽子 – zòng…

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