Chinese Language Blog

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A Guide to Counting in Chinese Posted by on Jan 14, 2015

One of the most important things you’ll learn at the beginning of your language studies is how to count. After all, it’s kind of hard to do your grocery shopping without knowing the numbers. There have been quite a few posts about counting in Chinese on the blog over the years, so we’ve got you covered…

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A Chinese Beach Vacation in Xiamen Posted by on Jan 12, 2015

It’s so cold in a lot of places right now, especially my hometown of Detroit. As many of us will spend the next few months bundled up in layers of winter clothes, I figured we’d at least take a vacation here on the blog. For a Chinese beach vaca, one of the most popular destinations is…

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Streets, Beats & Eats – Xiamen Posted by on Jan 8, 2015

Explore Xiamen in this short travel video highlighting Gulangyu island, a cool night market, and a bit of the nightlife of this coastal vacation city in China. 厦门 – xià mén Xiamen 福建省 – fú jiàn shěng Fujian province 鼓浪屿 – gǔ làng yǔ Gulangyu 夜市 – yè shì night market 中国茶 – zhōng guó…

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Better Know a… Province (Fujian) Posted by on Jan 6, 2015

Our journey across all corners of the Middle Kingdom continues down in the southeast in Fujian province (福建省 – fú jiàn shěng). The name comes from the combination of Fuzhou and Jianzhou (now known as Jian’ou), two cities in the province. History Fujian has a history going back thousands of years, as recent archaeological discoveries…

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Top 10 of 2014 Posted by on Dec 30, 2014

2014 is just about in the books, and you know what that means – time for our Top 10 of the year! 10.  Tricky Chinese Tones For new learners of Chinese – especially Westerners not used to tonal languages – the tones are confusing and frustrating. There’s more to the four tones of Chinese than…

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My Year in Chinese Posted by on Dec 29, 2014

It’s been a great year, but it’s time to bid farewell to 2014 and say hello to 2015. At the end of the year, it’s always nice to reflect back and do some thinking. Here’s a little story about my year in Chinese to help you with your reading. Scroll down for pinyin and English versions…

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Santa in China Posted by on Dec 25, 2014

See what happens when Santa’s sleigh crash lands in China and he tries to make his way back to the North Pole. From eating pig feet, to having street-side massages, to getting drunk in random bars, Santa spreads holiday cheer all across the Middle Kingdom.

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