Chinese Language Blog

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Let’s Talk Sports – Chinese Soccer Vocabulary Posted by on Jun 19, 2014

Unless you’ve been living under a rock recently, you know that the biggest event in world sports is going on right now – the World Cup (世界杯 – shì jiè bēi). In America, we call it soccer, but the rest of the world knows this sport as football (足球 – zú qiú). In case you…

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10 Great Posts for Beginners Posted by on Jun 16, 2014

Here at the Chinese language & culture blog, we try to post a variety of content that caters to a wide audience – no matter what your level of Chinese, there’s something for you here. As this blog has been around for quite a few years now, it can be intimidating trying to search through…

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Chinese Rocket Fuel AKA Baijiu Posted by on Jun 12, 2014

Recently, I penned an intimate love letter to Chinese dumplings. Boiled, steamed, or fried, these tasty little morsels are without a doubt my favorite thing about going out to eat in China. It’s not all smiles at a Chinese dinner table, though, so today we must tell the other side of the story. Binge Drinking…

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A Trip to the Zoo – Chinese Animal Vocabulary Posted by on Jun 11, 2014

Last month, we learned 40 Chinese words to talk about animals. We learned vocabulary for land animals and marine life as well. Now we’re going to take a trip to the zoo to learn even more. Follow along with the video, which has Chinese characters, pinyin, and English: 动物园 – dòng wù yuán zoo 哺乳动物…

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A Guide to the Internet in China – Internet Addiction Posted by on Jun 9, 2014

In the last post about online gaming, we mentioned that the intense love for such games has had a negative social impact on the country. With so many people spending so much time glued to their computer screens, Internet addiction has become a serious issue in China. In this post, we’ll take a closer look…

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A Guide to the Internet in China – Online Gaming Posted by on Jun 6, 2014

In case you didn’t catch our previous posts, we’ve already had an introduction to the Internet in China, a detailed post about censorship and the “Great Firewall,” and a guide to social media in China. No discussion of the ‘net in the Middle Kingdom would be complete without also diving into the realm of online…

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Tiananmen Square Massacre – 25 Years Later Posted by on Jun 4, 2014

Exactly 25 years ago today, a brutal crackdown on pro-democracy protests occurred in Beijing’s Tiananmen Square. The protests began in April over the death of Hu Yaobang, a liberal reformer who was quite popular with students – especially his calls for freedom of speech, freedom of the press, and a more transparent Chinese government. What…

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