Hello! Sorry for the delayed update, there are now a bunch of posts in the hopper. One big event since my last post was the US Presidential Election! 奥巴马 (Obama) won over 麦凯恩 (McCain) to become America’s 总统 (president), and the 民主党 (Democratic party) now outnumbers the members of the 共和党 (Republican party) in America’s 议会 (Congress). In other words, 在美国议会上, 占多数的是民主党. It was likely Obama’s message of 变革 (change) which moved a lot of voters. The race was full of excitement, and Obama ran his 竞选队 (campaign team) well. We will continue to hear a lot from the new 副总统 (vice-president) 拜凳 (Biden) as well as McCain’s running mate 佩林 (Palin)
奥巴马 ao4ba1ma3- Obama
麦凯恩 mai4kai3en4 – McCain
总统 zong3tong3 – president
民主党 min2zhu3dang3 – Democratic Party
共和党 gong4he2dang3 – Republican Party
议会 yi4hui4 – Congress
占多数 zhan4duo1shu4 – make up the majority (of sth)
变革 bian4ge2 – Change
竞选队 jing4xuan3dui4 – campaign (team)
副总统 fu4zong3tong3 – vice-president
佩林 pei4lin2 – Palin
拜凳 bai4deng1 – Biden
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