Chinese Language Blog

Getting a Job Posted by on Oct 28, 2008 in Uncategorized

Hello readers!

As you may or may not know, one of my involvements here in the tumultuous worldwide economy is finding a job here in China- a process known by no other name than 就业 (starting a job).  If you find yourself in a position where you have 失业(lost one’s job/become unemployed), you must work to limit its damage to your 事业 (career).  No matter the case, you may find yourself swimming among your competitors at a 招聘会 (recruiting fair).  If you’re looking for another way to get that job, you may go through a 猎头公司(headhunting firm).  Either way, you’ll want to have plenty of 双语名片 (double-language business cards) so as to make it easy for recruiters to remember your name and get in contact with you.  Be sure to bring a copy or two of your 简历 (resume) to make a strong impression.  Whether your job is 兼职 or   全职(part or full-time), treat this experience seriously.  In some cases where you can’t make any headway through a fair or headhunting firm, you may have to write a 求职信.  It wouldn’t hurt to get a 推荐信 from someone who has worked with you in the past.  No matter what path you choose, be sure to have a 敲门砖 that sets you apart from the rest.

就业jiu4ye4 – starting a job
失业shi1ye4 – unemployed, to lose one’s job
事业shi4ye4 – career
招聘会zhao1pin4hui4 – recruitment/networking fair
猎头公司lie4tou2gong1si1 – headhunting firm
双语shuang1yu3- dual-language
名片ming2pian4 -business card(s)
简历jian3li4 – resume
兼职jian1zhi2 – part-time
全职quan2zhi2 – full-time
求职信qiu2zhi2xin4 – job-seeking letter
推荐信 tui1jian4xin4 – letter of recommendation
敲门砖 qiao1men2zhuan1 – lit .door-knocking stone.  An equivalent to “foot in the door.”

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