Guess the Chinese Word Posted by sasha on Feb 20, 2018 in Vocabulary
When learning a language, you’re always told to do your best not to try to translate everything into your mother tongue. I tell this to my Chinese students who are studying English, as directly translating everything often results in them speaking horrible Chinglish. For example, “Yesterday I with my mother together go shopping” or “I very like your shoes! It’s very fashion!” Of course, it’s better to train your brain to think in the language you are learning. However, sometimes it can be fun directly translating words, especially for native English speakers learning Chinese. In this post, I’ll introduce some of my favorite Chinese words and give you the direct translation. Do your best to guess the actual meaning, and then scroll to the bottom to see how you did once you’ve guessed them all. Ready? Here we go…
In Chinese, China is known as the Middle Country (中国 – zhōng guó). See if you can guess what these other countries are, based on the direct translations:
德国 – dé guó
moral/virtuous country
美国 – měi guó
beautiful country
法国 – fà guó
lawful country
英国 – yīng guó
brave country
In Chinese, you’ll find lots of word that use the character 电 (diàn), which means “electric” or “electricity.” See if you can guess the meanings of these electric words:
电脑 – diàn nǎo
electric brain
电话 – diàn huà
electric speech
电视 – diàn shì
electric viewing
You’ll also find a lot of words that use the character 机 (jī), meaning “machine.” Let’s see if you can figure these out:
手机 – shǒu jī
hand machine
打火机 – dǎ huǒ jī
strike fire machine
耳机 – Ěr jī
ear machine
Of course, when studying any language, it’s crucial that you learn words related to transportation. In Chinese, you’ll often see the character 车 (chē), meaning “vehicle.” Here are some examples for you to guess:
火车 – huǒ chē
fire vehicle
自行车 – zì xíng chē
self-moving vehicle
直升机 – zhí shēng jī
straightly rising vehicle
Chinese is full of funny words for animals, at least when you directly translate them to English. See if you can figure them out:
火鸡 – huǒ jī
fire chicken
袋鼠 – dài shǔ
bag mouse/rodent
熊猫 – xióng māo
bear cat
龙虾 – lóng xiā
dragon shrimp
河马 – hé mǎ
river horse
Animal Related
Every language has some funny words and expressions related to animals, such as: “pig out,” “have a cow,” or “monkey business” in English. Try to guess these silly Chinese words:
黄牛 – huáng niú
yellow cow
马上 – mǎ shàng
on the horse
狐狸精 – húi lí jīng
fox spirit
A lot of Chinese words for sports are very literal and direct, so these should be pretty easy for you to figure out:
网球 – wǎng qiú
net ball
台球 – tái qiú
table ball
跳水 – tiào shuǐ
jump water
English is full of funny words for clothing, such as: flip-flops, thongs, tank-tops, and more. What do you think these Chinese words actually mean?
西装 – xī zhuāng
Western costume
牛仔裤 – niú zǎi kù
cowboy pants
凉鞋 – liáng xié
cool shoes
How do you think you did? Let’s find out!
德国 – dé guó
美国 – měi guó
法国 – fà guó
英国 – yīng guó
United Kingdom
电脑 – diàn nǎo
电话 – diàn huà
电视 – diàn shì
手机 – shǒu jī
cell phone
打火机 – dǎ huǒ jī
耳机 – Ěr jī
火车 – huǒ chē
自行车 – zì xíng chē
直升机 – zhí shēng jī
火鸡 – huǒ jī
袋鼠 – dài shǔ
熊猫 – xióng māo
龙虾 – lóng xiā
河马 – hé mǎ
黄牛 – huáng niú
ticket scalper
马上 – mǎ shàng
狐狸精 – húi lí jīng
seductive woman
网球 – wǎng qiú
台球 – tái qiú
跳水 – tiào shuǐ
西装 – xī zhuāng
牛仔裤 – niú zǎi kù
凉鞋 – liáng xié
Now that you’ve learned a lot of funny new words, do your best to use them! Don’t forget, we’e also got plenty of resources here at Transparent Language to help you learn Chinese.

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could not relate
huang niu
with ticket scalper
@bokhari in Chinese, 黄票 (direct translation: yellow ticket) means a ticket obtained through 2nd party sellers, more well known as ticket scalpers. 黄牛 is just calling them cows.