Chinese Language Blog

Q & A: What do you want to learn about? Posted by on Mar 11, 2011 in Uncategorized

We here at Transparent Language Chinese value your input, so I thought I’d create this reoccurring Q & A post as a forum to ask and answer your Chinese related questions.

Here’s how it will work:

Post comments on this blog post for topics/parts of speech/etc… that you are interested in. Remember to leave the subject line as the topic of your choosing. Our bloggers will read the comments and either resp0nd in a subsequent Q & A post, or if we really like the idea, will write an entire blog post about it ourselves.

Just make sure to keep the comments clean and the topics suitable for our general audience. Don’t be a bully or make insults or you will find yourself banned.

This is your chance to learn Chinese related content that interests you, so the sky is the limit. As Chinese bloggers we take many things we see in our day to day for granted, but that may not be the case for you. Please, let us know what you want to learn about.


Stephen and Sasha

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About the Author: Stephen

Writer and blogger for all things China related. Follow me on twitter: @seeitbelieveit -- My Background: Fluent Mandarin speaker with 3+ years working, living, studying and teaching throughout the mainland. Student of Kung Fu and avid photographer and documentarian.


  1. Jeff Phillips:

    Would love to learn more about sport and recreation in the Chinese culture

    • Steve:

      @Jeff Phillips Great. Thanks for the feeback. Any sports or leisure activities in particular?

      -Stephen, TL Chinese Blogger

  2. Irina:

    Maybe some competitions or at least test.
    Also, some mini-topics written in chinese, but not too complicated.
    Listening exercise (I think lots of people struggle with that), maybe based on mini-topic essays.
    Thanks! It’s a brilliant blog! Well-done!

    • Steve:

      @Irina Would a video listening exercise (with pronunciation) work?

  3. Helen:

    I’d like to learn about the national anthem, March of the Volunteers.


    I would like to learn Chinese language in detail.
    Vocabulary, gramatical structure, pronunciation and dictionary meaning required.

    Shashikant Godbole

  5. sasha:

    If anyone has requests for video posts, feel free to tell me. The sky is the limit!

  6. Эин Иванов:

    Why does not TL entertain the Cantonese language?

    • Steve:

      @Эин Иванов Mandarin is the official language of the mainland and Chinese government, so that’s why we don’t cover Cantonese.

  7. Li Lan:

    Sports like modern wushu would be good topics.

    Video listening exercises are a great idea.

  8. Li Lan:

    Take a look at the Arabic Blog on Transparent Language, there’s a very brief listening comprehension exercise about a woman pilot. It’s pretty good. You can take all kinds of topics and do that in Chinese. You can even do a daily news snippet (for example the tsunami, International Womens Day, etc) I would really like to see stuff like that.

  9. Shannon Fabry:

    More about specific travels, maybe more about chinese medicine and ancient practices that are still alive today…love all that you’ve covered so far. I especially liked the last few, I’m a new member to the blog.

  10. Rebecca Martin:

    Would like to learn specific conversational gambits and vocabulary to have simple discussions with university faculty in China. Talks about students? classes? literature?

  11. Tiankai:

    Chinese work ethic.
    I am interested in learning about the Chinese’s work ethic. The Chinese seem to be an indomitable people. (It’s a trait I notice among the Japanese as well.) I ask in kindness 🙂

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