Chinese Language Blog

Tag Archives: air travel in China

Chinese Lesson – After the Flight Posted by on May 10, 2017

Chinese Lesson - After the Flight

It’s been a long trip so far using Chinese for air travel. Hopefully you had a nice flight and made it to your destination on time. In this final lesson, we’ll find connecting flights, pick up our bags, and catch a cab or public transportation to the hotel. Connecting Flight If you didn’t book a…

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Chinese Lesson – On the Plane Posted by on Apr 20, 2017

It’s been a long journey so far learning Chinese related to air travel. We picked up some air travel vocabulary, booked a flight, and used Chinese at the airport. Finally, it’s time to board the plane and take the flight. Today’s Chinese lesson is about being on the plane. Boarding the Flight While you’re waiting…

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Chinese Lesson – At the Airport Posted by on Apr 17, 2017

Chinese Lesson - At the Airport

So far, we’ve learned some useful Chinese air travel vocabulary, as well as how to buy a plane ticket in Chinese. Now that you’ve got your ticket and some important words/phrases down, it’s time to head to the airport. Today we’ll learn how to get a cab, check in for your flight, find your gate, and…

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How to Buy a Plane Ticket in Chinese Posted by on Apr 13, 2017

How to Buy a Plane Ticket in Chinese

We just learned some useful Chinese vocabulary for air travel, so the next step is to actually buy a ticket. Sure, you can just buy a ticket online, but it’s still quite common in China to buy your travel tickets from an actual office. To help you out, let’s learn how to buy a plane…

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Chinese Air Travel Vocabulary Posted by on Apr 11, 2017

Chinese Air Travel Vocabulary

Air travel can be stressful. Packing, running to the airport, dealing with check-in, security, customs, baggage claim – the list goes on and on. Traveling in a foreign land where you don’t speak the language or understand the signs makes life that much more miserable. We’ve got you covered in China, though. A new series…

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