Chinese Language Blog

Tag Archives: Beijing Roast Duck

Life in the ‘Jing Posted by on May 12, 2012

When you’re learning a language, a good way to practice is to describe people, things, and places. As such, I’m going to introduce the place where I currently call home – Beijing – to you in a short article in Chinese, with pinyin and English to help. 现在我住在北京。我二零零八年来这里了。那个时候北京有奥运会。我觉得北京的奥运会很有意思。这是我第二次住在北京。我住在这里一共三年了。我想给大家介绍一下北京: (xiàn zài wǒ zhù zài běi jīng…

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2011 Year in Review Posted by on Dec 30, 2011

It’s been an amazing year for Transparent Chinese. Our Facebook page passed the 50,000 fans mark, our YouTube and Twitter pages have had great success, and our blog looks better than ever. Of course, we couldn’t have done it without YOU! We’d like to thank all of our readers for supporting us and making 2011…

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Beijing Roast Duck (北京烤鸭) Posted by on Nov 30, 2010

Without a doubt the most famous dish in all of China, Beijing Roast Duck (北京烤鸭 in Chinese) has been around since the days of the Ming Dynasty. These days, everyone can eat like the Emperor in Beijing’s countless upscale restaurants (for a price, of course). A visit to one of these fine dining establishments is…

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