Chinese Language Blog

Tag Archives: Chinese conjunctions

Chinese Conjunctions Video (Part Two) Posted by on Sep 26, 2016

After mastering the four basic conjunctions covered in Part One, it’s time to practice some more advanced, compound conjunctions. Improve your Chinese fluency by following this video and learning these compound conjunctions. Then, try to make your own examples at home.

Chinese Conjunctions Video (Part One) Posted by on Sep 19, 2016

One good way to start improving your Chinese language skills and become more fluent is to use more complex sentences. Learning some simple conjunctions in Chinese will get you well on your way to doing so. Learn how to use four common Chinese conjunctions in this video, featuring a few examples of each. After watching…

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Chinese Conjunctions Part Two Posted by on Jul 28, 2016

Have you studied the basic Chinese conjunctions in the first post? If not, go back and brush up on those before moving on. This post introduces some compound conjunctions, which use a few of the words we learned in the first lesson in a more advanced way. Apart from/Except; In addition (除了… 以外 – chú le……

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Chinese Conjunctions Part One Posted by on Jul 27, 2016

Once you start to reach a more intermediate level of Chinese, you’ll want to connect your ideas and begin using more complex sentences. To do this, you’ll need to learn some conjunctions. In Chinese, conjunctions do just what they do in English – just think back to “Schoolhouse Rock.” That’s right, “hooking up words, and…

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