Chinese Language Blog

Tag Archives: Chinese internet

Chinese Social Media, pt. 1 Posted by on Oct 19, 2011

It’s hard to imagine life before the internet. In those dark ages, fundamentally important questions went unanswered (like what is Lebron James thinking?). If you wanted to see a movie or listen to a new album, you’d actually have to physically go to the store or theater and buy it.  Mail was used for more…

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Chinese Websites Posted by on Aug 22, 2011

It’s no secret that one of the most popular activities in China is to surf the internet (上网冲浪 – shàng wǎng chōng làng). In fact, on nearly every street corner in Beijing, you will find an internet bar (网吧 – wǎng bā), often filled to capacity with chain smoking teenagers aggresively clicking away while engaged…

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