Tag Archives: Chinese noodles
My Perfect Day of Chinese Food Posted by sasha on Oct 21, 2020

I really like eating Chinese food. How about you? (我真的很喜欢吃中国菜。 你呢?Wǒ zhēn de hěn xǐ huān chī zhōng guó cài. Nǐ ne?). Sampling the local cuisine is definitely one of my favorite things to do when traveling around China, whether it’s some mouth-numbing hot pot (火锅 huǒ guō) down in Sichuan, a hearty dim sum…
5 Types of Chinese Noodles Posted by sasha on Apr 26, 2018

It’s no secret that China loves noodles. The country is home to so many different noodle dishes, it’ll make your head spin! It seems like each city has its own unique noodle dish. Some are more famous than others and can be found all over the country. Let’s take a look at 5 Chinese noodle…
Lanzhou Lamian Posted by sasha on Apr 9, 2018

While the cuisine of China is incredibly diverse, there are some dishes that are ubiquitous all throughout the massive country. One such dish is lamian (拉面 – lā miàn) – literally meaning “pulled noodles.” The most famous place for lamian is the city of Lanzhou (兰州 – lán zhōu), capital of Gansu province. No matter…
Eating in China Posted by sasha on Nov 30, 2017

Eating in China is one big adventure. In this massive country with so many regional cuisines, there’s always something new to try. It’s said that people in China eat everything with four legs except the table and everything that flies except airplanes. From chicken feet to rabbit’s heads, no parts of the animal go wasted…
An Intro to Sichuan Cuisine Posted by sasha on Oct 19, 2017

If you’ve ever been to a Chinese restaurant, chances are you’ve seen something labeled as “Szechuan” before. This is the outdated spelling (similar to Peking for Beijing) of Sichuan (四川 – sì chuān), which is a province in southwest China. However you spell it, this corner of China is responsible for some of the country’s…
Crossing the Bridge Rice Noodles Posted by sasha on Feb 23, 2017

When it comes to noodles, China has tons of different varieties. From the classic hand-pulled la mian from the country’s northwest, to Beijinger favorite zha jiang mian, there’s a bowl just waiting to be slurped up around every corner. Today we’re going to take a closer look at one famous type of Chinese noodle that has…
10 Different Types of Chinese Noodles Posted by sasha on Feb 16, 2017

There’s nothing quite like slurping up a big tasty bowl of Chinese noodles (面条 – miàn tiáo). No matter where you are in this massive country, you’re sure to find some form of noodle dish. There’s even an idiom that can be translated as “no satisfaction without noodles” (无面不欢- wú miàn bù huān). To the…