Tag Archives: how to shop in Chinese
Buying Groceries in Chinese Posted by sasha on Mar 7, 2017

Doing your grocery shopping in Chinese is a great and practical way to put your skills to use. First of all, you can make your grocery list in Chinese. Check that post for some vocabulary charts on vegetables, fruit, meat, seafood, everyday items, and clothing. Once you have your list ready, it’s time to go…
Chinese Grocery List Posted by sasha on Mar 2, 2017

Making a grocery list is one of those boring, mundane tasks that’s just a part of life. If you’re like me, going to the market without a list usually spells disaster. You end up with a bunch of things you don’t need (giant bag of chips), and somehow manage to forget those essential items (toilet…
How to Shop for Clothes in Mandarin (Part One) Posted by sasha on Mar 6, 2014
In our last post, we taught you 20 useful Mandarin Chinese words for clothing. These words will help you get started in your quest to do your clothes shopping yourself in China, but you’ve still got a long way to go. While the vocabulary is useful, you need to be able to ask and answer…