Tag Archives: Yellow Crane Tower
Famous Places Around China Posted by sasha on May 22, 2017

China is a country full of impressive places, both man-made and natural. One could spend an entire lifetime exploring here and not even come close to seeing it all. Join us on a short tour around some of China’s most famous places while learning the names for them in Chinese in this 2-minute video:
Beijing to Kunming (Part One) Posted by sasha on Jun 13, 2016
Riding the train is the best way to travel China, especially if you want to do an epic trip like go from Beijing to Kunming. Rather than sit on the train for two days straight, hop off in a few provincial capitals along the way. In Part One of the video series, we explore Beijing…
Better Know a… Province (Hubei) Posted by sasha on May 25, 2016
We’ve already visited Hunan, so it’s only natural that our next stop be “North of the Lake,” as we head to Hubei (湖北 – hú běi). History The area that is today known as Hubei was home to Neolithic cultures, as evidenced by painted pottery that was excavated there. During the Spring and Autumn Period…
Yellow Crane Tower – Wuhan Posted by sasha on May 18, 2016
Check out the Yellow Crane Tower (黄鹤楼 – huáng hè lóu) – the most famous attraction in Wuhan, feast on street food, and chill by the Yangtze River, all in this short video.
Exploring Wuhan Posted by sasha on May 12, 2016
The provincial capital of Hubei, Wuhan (武汉 – wǔ hàn) is an ancient city that has long been a center of learning, especially the arts. It would be the capital of central China if there were such a thing – it’s the political, economic, financial, cultural, educational and transportation center of the region. Let’s take a…