Orange Scene (The Orange Stage). This is where Paul McCartney played!
Hvilken festival skal du til i år? (Which festival are you going to this year?) For many danskere, Summer is Festival Season. A festival means musik, venskab (friendship), kærlighed (love), god stemning (good atmosphere), hygge and lots of øl. Summer Denmark is peppered with festivals, from tiny island get-togethers such as Tunø Festival, to children-friendly festivals such as Langeland Festival, to ”monsters” such as Roskilde Festival.
This month, I once again had the chance to volunteer in Roskilde. In case you would like to reserve four days of 2016 to høre en masse god musik (listen to a lot of good music), møde mange nye mennesker (”meet many new persons”, get to know a lot of new people), have det sjovt (have fun) and tale dansk (speak Danish), her are a few points to consider:
• Roskilde Festival er meget populær. (RF is very popular.) You should buy your tickets early – or try to find a group that’ll have you as a frivillig (volunteer).
• Roskilde Festival is non-profit. This year, 100 000 people bought a billet (ticket) – while 30 000 worked for free and got gratis adgang (free entrance). People are there to help, to be together. You can feel it! 

There’s a lot of nice art at Roskilde.
• Most guests are in their 20’ies, but some are older, and some are younger. Der er ingen aldersgrænse! (There is no age limit!) But if you’re 50+, you might consider finding a Roskilde ho(s)tel instead of sleeping in a telt (tent) such as most festivalgængere (festival participants, literally ’festival walkers’) do…
• Even the meteorologists can’t predict det danske vejr (the Danish weather). Be prepared for everything from dry mudder (mud) to beer splash. Husk solbriller! (Remember your sunglasses!) This year was so hot that many people had to float around in søen (the lake) to survive…
• Roskilde Festival er stor (big). Be prepared for a lot of walking, a lot of people, and a lot of joy/noise. There is no point in pre-planning too much. Følg strømmen! (Follow the ”flow”, literally ’stream’!)
This year, some of de store navne (the ”big names”) in Roskilde were Pharell Williams, Kendrick Lamar, Nicki Minaj and Paul McCartney. Note to Pharell Williams: Don’t say ”Hello Copenhagen” when you are not in Copenhagen!