Danish Language Blog

How to say what you need Posted by on Jun 28, 2017 in Uncategorized

(public domain illustration from Pixabay)

You’ve been travelling for a long time and all you need is a cold shower and a nice place to sleep. But – how to ask the natives? Sometimes, expressing what you need is … all you need.

Jeg er sulten. (I’m hungry.) Er du sulten? (Are you hungry?) Vi er meget sultne. (We’re very hungry.)
Jeg er tørstig. (I’m thirsty.) Er du tørstig? (Are you thirsty?)
Jeg er træt. (I’m tired.) Er I trætte? (Are you guys tired?)

Undskyld, jeg mangler et sted at sove. Kan du hjælpe? (Excuse me, I lack/need a place to sleep. Can you help me, please?)
Fryser du? Har du brug for et tæppe? (Are you freezing? Do you need a blanket?)
Du sveder jo! Har du lyst til noget at drikke? (You’re sweating! Wanna something to drink?)
Har I brug for en pause? (Do you guys need a break?)
Har du brug for en krammer? (Do you need a hug?)

Min telefon mangler strøm. Ved du hvor jeg kan lade den? (My phone lacks/needs electricity. Do you know where I may charge it?)
Jeg mangler penge. Er der en hæveautomat i nærheden? (I lack money. Is there an ATM nearby?)
Der er meget varmt. Må jeg låne din solcreme? (It’s very hot. May I borrow your sunscreen?)

Har I et toilet? (Do you guys have a toilet?)

Jeg er faret vild. Kan du vise mig vejen til hotellet/ambassaden/baren? (I’m lost. Could you show me the way to the hotel/embassy/bar?)
Vi har brug for et kort over Danmark. (We need a map of Denmark.)
Jeg ved ikke hvor jeg er. Kan du hjælpe mig? (I don’t know where I am. Can you help me?)
Har I brug for et lift? (Do you guys need a lift?)

Jeg keder mig. Ved du hvor der sker noget sjovt? (I’m bored. Do you know where there’s something fun going on?)
Har I brug for lidt selskab? (Do you guys need some company?)
Jeg har brug for at være lidt alene. (I need spending some time alone.)

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About the Author: Bjørn A. Bojesen

I was born in Denmark, but spent large parts of my childhood and study years in Norway. I later returned to Denmark, where I finished my MA in Scandinavian Studies. Having relatives in Sweden as well, I feel very Scandinavian! I enjoy reading and travelling, and sharing stories with you! You’re always welcome to share your thoughts with me and the other readers.