Tag Archives: children
What’s Up with Danish TV for Kids? Posted by Bjørn A. Bojesen on Jan 22, 2021

For the small size of their country, Danes have really managed to create a lot of outrage. (Remember the prophet cartoon crisis or the killing of the poor giraffe Marius?) This January, Danes did it again – with a children’s tv show about a man and his very long private part. Er intet helligt (is…
Fun with Easter Eggs Posted by Bjørn A. Bojesen on Mar 31, 2018

Påske [pawskeh] (Easter) in Denmark is usually a lot more laid-back than jul (Xmas). For many Danes, this welcome break from work is associated with nice little things like the coming of forår (Spring), påskeliljer (”Easter” daffodils), påskebryg (Easter beer) and the uniquely Danish tradition of scissor-cut gækkebrev letters (which I already wrote about). Still…
What’s Dangerous in Denmark? Posted by Bjørn A. Bojesen on May 19, 2017

Australia’s got sharks, Canada is grizzly ground, Iceland has volcanoes. But what is farlig [farlee] (dangerous) in Danmark? Lots of people enjoy a bit of spænding i tilværelsen (excitement in ”the being” = in life). If we as mennesker (humans) didn’t appreciate a good kick, I guess we wouldn’t springe ud i faldskærm (”jump out”…
Familien Posted by Bjørn A. Bojesen on Oct 20, 2012
What would we be without a familie (family)? Even though an increasing number of Danes choose to live alene (alone), most people live together with at least one of their familiemedlem/mer (family member/s). Let’s take a look at the relevant words: mor mother (remember the sound of the Danish R? Small children cry ”mo-a!”) far…
Land of Beaches Posted by Bjørn A. Bojesen on Aug 19, 2012
One of the really nice things about living in Denmark are the many strand/e (beaches). If you look at a map, you see that the country is more similar to Greece than you maybe thought: The only mainland is the slender Jylland (Jutland) peninsula, the rest of the country is a bunch of ø/er (island/s)…