Danish Language Blog

Tag Archives: Copenhagen

Danish Icebreakers Posted by on Apr 29, 2018

Ever been to a social gathering where nobody said a word? 🙂 If you travel around Denmark, you’ll certainly meet people who are less talkative than the stereotypical American. This is especially true in the countryside, where people tend to speak slower and use fewer words than, well, the Copenhageners… Sometimes breaking the ice may…

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Danish for a Non-Dane Posted by on Feb 28, 2018

A while ago a British guy in Denmark, Barnaby, kindly sent me his thoughts about learning Danish as a foreigner. Although I didn’t actually interview him, I’ve tweaked his most important points into an interview’ish text in order to make it more readable. What’s tricky about learning Danish? Phrasal verbs are tricky. Why does ”Jeg…

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How to Survive Denmark’s Dark Days Posted by on Oct 14, 2017

How many årstider (seasons) has Denmark got? Two, says an article I read: the Golden Summer and the Great Murk. On the one hand, you’ve got the nice hot time of the year with plenty of festivaler (festivals), garden parties and family trips to stranden (the beach). On the other hand, you’ve got the long, dark…

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Denmark in Tokyo Posted by on May 1, 2016

Coming from et lille land (a small country), many Danes worry what foreigners – especially Americans – think about them. Whenever the tennis player Caroline Wozniacki or another Danish kendis [KENN-diss] (famous person) gets ”big in the U.S.A.”, Danish journalister [shoor-] (journalists) seem to get really busy. 🙂 But some Danes get, as the saying…

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The Battle of Stereotypes Posted by on Aug 30, 2014

”Jylland, du er hovedlandet”. Jutland, you’re the main country. Ever since Danish national bard H.C. Andersen wrote those words (in 1859), people from Sjælland (Zealand) have resented him for it. Andersen himself was from Fyn (Funen), the middle island, but spent most of his career in København, so why couldn’t he see that the island…

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Who’s Got The World’s Biggest Mouth? Posted by on Mar 14, 2013

Hvem har verdens største mund? On a global scale, that might be Mick Jagger of The Rolling Stones. In Denmark, however, the guy most people would associate with an exceptionally large mund [mawn] is … Kim Larsen. Kim Larsen [kim LAH-s’n] is one of the biggest stars in the field of Danish-language pop and rock…

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Getting Around in Copenhagen Posted by on Oct 17, 2012

Denmark’s capital København [KUR-bn-how-n] is enjoying a renaissance as a European hotspot for travellers who’ve ”got it”. The city has become a kind of ”mini-Berlin” – a colourful place full of street art, alternative modebutikker (fashion shops), cafés and museums. Unfortunately, Copenhagen is (still) a lot more dyr (expensive) than Berlin… Det er nemt at…

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