Tag Archives: nytår
Looking Back and Looking Forward Posted by Bjørn A. Bojesen on Dec 31, 2017

Så blev der minsandten nytår igen! (Then it really became New Year again!) Nytårsaften (New Year’s Eve) is a time for looking back at året der gik (the year that went) as well as looking forward to det nye år (the new year). Let’s look in both directions in this post. To recall something…
Happy New Year from the Queen Posted by Bjørn A. Bojesen on Dec 31, 2016
Unlike julen (Christmas), the Danish nytårsfejring (New Year Celebration) hasn’t got a lot of traditioner. People get together, eat, drink (remember to say skååål!) and watch fyrværkeri. (Each year a small number of people get hurt by raketter – rockets.) One fixed tradition, however, is the televised nytårstale (New Year’s speech) by Queen Margrethe. Here…
Word of the Year 2014 Posted by Bjørn A. Bojesen on Dec 31, 2014
Every year a handful of Danish language geeks kårer årets danske ord (elect the Danish ”word of the year”). This year, Sproglaboratoriet (’The Language Lab’), a Danish radio programme, had nominated the following twelve ord: • Byhaver (’city gardens’) are small gardens that have become popular in Danish towns and cities. They may be shared…
New Year’s Resolutions in Danish Posted by Bjørn A. Bojesen on Dec 31, 2012
As 2012 is slipping away, it’s time to set the record straight for 2013! Many people are making nytårsforsætter (et nytårsforsæt in the singular), or New Year’s resolutions, about things to improve or achieve during the upcoming year. I asked some family members and friends about their nytårsforsætter: at leve sundt (to live healthy) at begynde at træne (to start…