Archive for June, 2009
Dutch Names Posted by Transparent Language on Jun 30, 2009
Dutch names can be very long. Usually the maximum number of names one person has is five, but that can vary by person. It can get really ridiculous; especially the names that belong to the royal family. Take a look at this royal’s name: Willem Alexander Frederik Constantijn Nicolaas Michiel, Prins der Nederlanden, Prins van…
Dutch Dishes Posted by Transparent Language on Jun 27, 2009
If you’ve ever been in the Netherlands, you’ve probably tried some form of Hutspot. Hutspot is a dish of mashed potatoes boiled to the point of softness. Carrots (wortel) and other vegetables like onions (ui) are also added to the mix. It’s one of those hearty dishes that fills you up and satisfies your stomach. I…
Answers to Dutch Plurals Posted by Transparent Language on Jun 24, 2009
krant (newspaper). Answer: kranten (newspapers) god (god). Answer: goden (gods) lid (member). Answer: leden (members) blad (leaf). Answer: bladeren (leaves) blad (tray, sheet). Answer: bladen (trays, sheets) bakker (baker). Answer: bakkers (bakers) huisje (little house). Answer: huisjes (little houses) auto (car). Answer: auto’s (cars) roman (novel). Answer: romans (novels) broer (brother). Answer: broers (brothers) historicus (historian)…
Exercise for Plurals Posted by Transparent Language on Jun 21, 2009
I’ll provide the singular form. Your job is to provide the plural form of the word. krant (newspaper) god (god) lid (member) blad (leaf) blad (tray, sheet) bakker (baker) huisje (little house) auto (car) roman (novel) broer (brother) historicus (historian) mogelijkheid (possibility) weg (path, road) kamer (room) tomaat (tomato)
Dutch Plurals Posted by Transparent Language on Jun 18, 2009
A lot of Dutch words in the plural have an -en ending. This is the regular plural ending. Ex: woord (s) = woorden (p). Meaning : word/words There are some Dutch words undergo a change in spelling in the plural: In this example, a double consonant occurs in the plural after a short vowel in…
Answers to the Exercise Posted by Transparent Language on Jun 15, 2009
de kat (the cat) het meisje (the girl) de jongen (the boy) de vrouw (the woman) de straten (the streets) het boek (the book) het kind (the child) de bloem (the flower) de katten (the cats) het gebouw (the building)
Definite Articles Posted by Transparent Language on Jun 12, 2009
Most nouns will have the “de” article, which is “the” in English. Ex: de man (the man) All plural nouns are “de”. Ex: de huizen (houses) All singular diminutives are “het.” Ex: het tafeltje (the little table) All plural diminutives are “de”. Ex: de huisjes (the little houses) Here’s a little exercise to test whether…