Dutch Language Blog

Archive for December, 2018

Vuurwerk: Should it be restricted? Posted by on Dec 31, 2018

Oudejaarsavond (New Year’s Eve) and vuurwerk (fireworks) are inseparable in the Netherlands. No jaarwisseling (turn of the year) without the loud knallen (bangs) and bright kleuren (colors) of the vuurpijlen (rockets) and rotjes (firecrackers)! However, this vuurwerk also has a dark side. Every year, there are hundreds of accidents with these dangerous producten (products) that lead to ernstige letsels (serious injuries), from losing fingers to losing eyesight. Should, perhaps, vuurwerk be forbidden? Or is…

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Wil or wilt? Posted by on Dec 17, 2018

A rather small conundrum, but an important one if you want to understand Dutch properly: is it jij wil or jij wilt? Small difference, but is it significant? Let’s find out. The difference of one letter Willen (to want) is an important verb, often a hulpwerkwoord (auxiliary verb). The official conjugation is as follows: ik wil (I want) jij/u wilt (you (informal)/you (formal) want) hij/zij/het…

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The Dutch and All Their Money (Words) Posted by on Dec 12, 2018

There are so many stereotypes about the Dutch and money: cost savvy, always looking for a good bargain, and in a not so nice way, cheap. But are the Dutch really this thrifty and what does their language use say about the role money plays? History To understand why the Dutch tend to save and…

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Van Dale Word of the Year 2018 Posted by on Dec 5, 2018

The official list of the Van Dale Word of 2018 is out and open for votes, but before we go to the list, who is this van Dale? Van Dale Dictionary If you are learning Dutch, you might have heard of the wonderful dictionary by Van Dale. Van Dale is like the Webster’s and Oxford…

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