Archive for April, 2019
An Unusual Dutch Easter Tradition: Matzes Posted by Sten on Apr 21, 2019

It is Pasen (Easter)! On Easter Sunday, the Dutch have a few traditions they follow, and one that I am highlighting today are a very popular food item: matzes! Why Do The Dutch Eat Unleavened Flat Bread during Easter? During the Paasontbijt (Easter breakfast), which is usually quite extensive, the Dutch eat these flat crackers a lot…
Dutch Resistance in World War II – Part 1: De Slag bij Mill Posted by Sten on Apr 15, 2019

In anticipation of the dodenherdenking and the celebration of the bevrijding of the Netherlands from the German occupation during World War II on May 4 and 5 and the fact that 2019 marks 80 years since the start of World War II in 1939, I am writing a series on how the Dutch got sucked into the war…
The Dutch Version of the TV Show Cops Posted by Karoly Molina on Apr 3, 2019

Have you seen the American show Cops? The show with one police chase on the highway with the song “Bad Boys” in the background. “Bad boys, bad boys, what you gonna do, what you gonna do when they come for you?” I recently discovered a Dutch TV show that (sort of) resembles the American Cops…