Dutch Language Blog

Archive for March, 2022

Dutch Idioms 28: Throwing the Child Away Posted by on Mar 31, 2022

Dutch Idioms baby bathwater

Today, I want to discuss one of my favorite uitdrukkingen (expressions) in the Dutch language. Because it is so weirdly unique, I want to dedicate this entire post of Dutch Idioms to it. It involves bathing your little baby in nice warm water, but then considering throwing out that water, including the baby! What on earth…

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Curious Dutch Words – Monnikenwerk Posted by on Mar 28, 2022

Monnikenwerk monk's work drudgery donkey work

It’s a situation we’re probably all too familiar with: You know you have that paper to write, but it is saaaaai (booooring). This eentonig (monotonous) subject and the ridiculous length that you are required to write about it… Come on! Daar heb ik geen tijd voor! (I don’t have time for that!) In Dutch, we sometimes…

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Getting Gas in the Netherlands – Vocabulary Posted by on Mar 11, 2022

tankstation gas station getting gas tanken

Benzineprijzen (gasoline prices) have gone off the rails in the Netherlands. They shot well above 2 euros per liter (in American terms, that’s more than 8 dollars per gallon!), with record stijgingen (increases). A main reason given is de oorlog in de Ukraine (war in Ukraine). Some tankstations (gas stations) took this crisis as an opportunity for…

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You Heard Of Dutchman Aldies Ghoet-Koper? Neither Has He. Posted by on Mar 4, 2022

Jokes with names name jokes puns aldies goedkoper peter selie parsley

Because he doesn’t exist! Aldies Ghoet-Koper is a fictional character created forever ago by Caz! radio – a radiostation (radio station) in the Netherlands. Listen to the fragment below. Why was this character created, though, and what’s so funny about this? Here are Dutch jokes with names. Aldi is cheaper It’s no secret that supermarkten (supermarkets) fight for our attention…

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