Dear Oranje fans,
The month of June has been filled with your lively color, with lions, with flags and with cheers. The stores have been sure to supply the entire country with all sorts of home articles of your dear color: shirts, socks, pants, wigs, flags, pots, pans, utensils, spatulas and baking ware. Streets and gardens are filled with flags and signs supporting the team, even in my dear building’s garden (and entrance and elevator). There is really no limit to the amount of spirit items a person can display in and out of their homes.

My building’s spirited garden! (personal image)
I must admit that I wasn’t a fan of your color when I moved to the Netherlands, and yet it has found a way into my heart and my home. I confess that the oranje flower arrangements at the flower shops made me eager for some spirit as well as the colorful sweets the grocery store displays. Could it be that I am slowly become oranje?

A spirited street in Sittard. (personal image)
The one spirit item that has taken me most by surprise is the famous juichpak—an orange jumpsuit made famous by the reality star Roy Donders. The first time I heard about this juichpak, I thought it was something silly. However, after the victory of the oranje team last week, the juichpak has become a national sensation. It is completely sold out in stores and is available on bidding websites for more than twice its price. Will I ever become such an ardent fan that I will risk my savings just to wear the juichpak?
Only time will answer these questions of love and devotion. For now, I will put on my team shirt and wear my silly hat as I yell HUP HOLLAND HUP for the team during tonight’s game against Australia. Oh dearest oranje fans, lets keep the spirit strong from now until we become voetbalwereldkampioenen!
With love,
*For useful vocabulary, please review Sten’s post since it was superbly complete!