Hallo! (Hello!)
Today is the day we go over the various countries and nationalities. After this post, the next one will deal with saying things like “I am from…” and “I speak…”
China (China), Chinese (Chinees)
United States (Verenigde Staten), American (Amerikaan)
England (Engeland), Englishman (Engelsman)
France (Frankrijk), Frenchman (Fransman)
Germany (Duitsland), German (Duitser)
Holland (Holland), Dutch (Hollander)
Italy (Italië), Italian (Italiaan)
Spain (Spanje), Spanish (Spanjaard)
Japan (Japan), Japanese (Japanner)
Greece (Griekenland), Greek (Griek)
India (India), Indian (Indiër)
Africa (Afrika), African (Afrikaan)
Europe (Europa), European (Europeaan)
Asia (Azië), Asian (Aziaat)
I am from Australia and have fallen in love with a dutchman! I am learning a lot, but struggling to retain what I learn! I love these updates from th blog as regular prompts keep me motivated. Thank you.
Nowhere to be found, I struggle with my nationality. Wat is de nationaliteit van Tsjechië? Dank u
@Maty If you are from Tsjechië, you are Tsjechisch!