Tag Archives: bus
Staking! Posted by Sten on Apr 30, 2018

Er rijdt geen streekvervoer! (There is no regional transport!) These were headlines today for the fact that streekbussen (regional/local buses) and regionale treinen (regional/local trains) are not driving today. So reizigers (travelers) have to find a way around that – super vervelend (annoying)! Why does this happen? Staking! The reason why the regiovervoer (regional transport) is halted is because the vakbonden (labor unions) FNV and CNV demand better pay, less…
A bus on water – the Waterbus! Posted by Sten on May 30, 2014
In the Dutch west, to be exact in the surroundings of Rotterdam called the Rotterdam-Drechtsteden, the people have developed an interesting, peculiar way of transport. They call it the waterbus (water bus). It is, as its name suggests, a bus on the water. It is much like a regular ferry. The waterbus uses the OV-chipkaart, so you can…