Tag Archives: children’s books
How Dutch Kids Fight Coronavirus Boredom By Hunting Bears Posted by Sten on Apr 1, 2020

In times of thuisquarantaine (home quarantine) and gesloten scholen (closed schools), kinderen (children) are bound to get extremely bored. How can you deal with such verveling (boredom)? Well, some people found a way, and because of social media, the idea is spreading all over the country. What is this berenjacht (bear hunt), and why does it become so successful in the Netherlands? Let’s have a…
Dutch Children’s Books for Bookwormish Beginners Posted by Jakob Gibbons on Jan 31, 2017

Have a healthy appetite for reading, but your language skills aren’t quite ready for the great works of Dutch literature yet? Try starting slow with children’s books. Dutch literature has a rich and long-running tradition, despite the fact that it’s usually quite underappreciated in the English-speaking world. But for beginner and intermediate Dutch learners, the pearls of the Dutch…
Dick Bruna, Nijntje and Friends Posted by noortje on Jul 9, 2010
Maybe the name “Nijntje” doesn’t ring an immediate bell to you, but when I say “Miffy” I am sure you know who I am talking about. The creator behind this cute little bunny is Dick Bruna, a Dutch draughtsman, writer and graphic artist. Bruna was born in Utrecht on the 23rd of August in 1927…