Tag Archives: Delta Works
The North Sea Dikes Open Once Again Posted by Karoly Molina on Jan 23, 2019

This month, the Haringvlietsluizen opened up to let fish swim between the North Sea and the Haringvliet which is south of Rotterdam in the province of South Holland. Parts of the dike will remain open so long as there is no risk of high water. Haringvlietsluizen- History The Haringvlietdam is part of the Delta Works which are…
Zeeland: The Flood and the Delta Works Posted by Karoly Molina on Jul 28, 2014
I remember learning to swim when I was young and hearing that in a fight between man and water, water always win. Because of this, I was always very respectful of water as I swam. As natural disasters related to water surged, this idea was reaffirmed. Water would always win. As I made plans to…