Dutch Language Blog

Tag Archives: Den Haag

How To Fight Climate Change – De Klimaatwet! Posted by on Dec 7, 2015

The planet is heating up and world leaders are discussing a treaty in Paris this week to do something about it. However, just a few days before the Conference of Parties in Paris started, two Dutch politicians wanted to send a signal, that they do not believe enough is done, and more should be done. What? Fractievoorzitters (party…

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Museon, Den Haag Posted by on Feb 9, 2012


There are plenty of great places to visit on a trip to The Hague but one place that often gets overlooked is Museon. Museon is a museum (say that ten times fast!) located on the Stadhouderslaan.  Its neighbours include the Gemeentemuseum, the Fotomuseum and the Omniversum-IMAX theatre – meaning you can make a whole day…

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Things to Do in December Posted by on Dec 6, 2011

If you haven’t realised it already, it is December – one of my favourite months in the year.  And just what Dutch goodies can you look forward to for the month?  Here’s a small selection. Dickens Festival – Visiting Deventer from the 17th of December until the 18th of December might make you think you…

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The Parents Are Coming…Eek! Posted by on Jul 15, 2011

This weekend my parents will arrive from the States for a short visit in the Netherlands.  My dad has been to the Netherlands before but this will be my mum’s first visit to the country.  We will also be in the United Kingdom for a few days so the amount of time we have for…

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