Tag Archives: European Union
Dutch Money: The Dutch Euro Posted by Sten on Feb 24, 2020

Geld (money). It is the lifeblood of our economieën (economies) and we need it in our dagelijks leven (daily life) for everything from boodschappen (groceries) to treinkaartjes (train tickets) to buying a rijbewijs (driver’s license) once you get tired of all the vertragingen (delays) of the Dutch trains. Last week, we talked about the gulden, the Dutch currency before the country joined the euro. But…
The EU, de Globalisering, and the Dutch Language Posted by Jakob Gibbons on Jul 19, 2016
The summer is off to a shaky start for the European project. For the 27 remaining member states, it’s not only politics and public life that stands to change, but also language, languages, and the balance between them. In the midst of it all, the Netherlands and the Dutch language have front row seats, right in the…
Dutch Place Names, the ‘Mini-Schengen’, and Travel in Europe Posted by Jakob Gibbons on Dec 8, 2015
This post will discuss some recent developments in Dutch and European politics that may soon change foreigners’ options for traveling in the Netherlands and Europe. This is a great chance to work on place names in Dutch, which can sometimes differ greatly from their English equivalents. Don’t worry — there’s a vocabulary list at the end!…
Refugees in the Netherlands Posted by Karoly Molina on Oct 14, 2015
If you follow the news in Europe, I am sure you have read about the recent vluchtelingen crisis. Thousands of people from Syria, Somalia, Libya and other war-torn areas are daring the dangerous journey to Europe in the hopes to escape the crisis back home. The obstacles the vluchtelingen must overcome before even making to any European country…
Greece and the Grexit Posted by Karoly Molina on Jul 8, 2015
The European Union is under a lot of pressure at the moment because of the situation in Greece. While some are in favor of the Greek refusing anymore cutbacks, others argue that their debts cannot be forgiven. The following days will prove to be difficult ones in which our leaders and the troika will decide…