Tag Archives: getting sick
Health Insurance in the Netherlands – Choices! Choices! Choices! Posted by Karoly Molina on Nov 14, 2018

It is that lovely time of the year when Dutch insurances or zorgverzekeraars publish their prices for the next year and we are all faced with the decision to change or not to change providers. So what do the Dutch have to choose and who decides what is insured and what isn’t? De Wet First and…
Cough! Cough! Time to go to the Huisarts Posted by Karoly Molina on Aug 6, 2014
Every time I have moved, I have fallen into the traps of new germs and viruses, and after four months, the Dutch germs finally got to me! For the past eight days, I have been living a true Dutch common verkoudheid (cold), and it has not been fun at all. I do not meant to…