Tag Archives: national days
Mama, we houden van jou! – Mother’s Day in the Netherlands Posted by Sten on May 15, 2017

Yesterday was a great day for many mothers in the Netherlands – their children gave them presents and thanked them for being such awesome moeders (mothers). You might ask the question “maar waarom alleen op één dag van het jaar?” (but why only on one day of the year?), and that is a legitimate question. Not one to focus…
5 mei – Bevrijdingsdag: Celebrating Freedom Posted by Sten on May 5, 2017

Yesterday, I wrote about the Dodenherdenking, the Dutch Memorial Day, remembering all Dutch burgers (citizens) and soldaten (soldiers) that have fallen since the Tweede Wereldoorlog (Second World War). Today, that sad and difficult mood made a 180 degrees turn. Because today, it is time to celebrate vrijheid (freedom). A difficult end On 5 mei (May…