Dutch Language Blog

Tag Archives: policy

The Controversy Over The Dutch Health Council Posted by on Apr 21, 2021

Gezondheidsraad Health Council Covid Vaccine

Normally, you don’t hear much about it, yet it directly influences the beleid (policy) of the Dutch government. These past weeks, it made headlines, however, as it made some controversial advies (advice). I’m talking about the Gezondheidsraad (health council). Let’s talk about that council. How did it come to be, who’s part of it, and what is its influence…

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An important day in the Netherlands – time to go vote! Posted by on Mar 19, 2014

Today, March 19, the gemeenteraadsverkiezingen (municipal, or local elections) are held in the Netherlands. They are more important than ever this year, because the gemeenten(municipalities) have more competencies than ever. For example, now they also take on the gezondheidszorg (health care), which is a big issue for the Dutch. However, the kiezersopkomst (voter turn-out) is likely to…

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