Tag Archives: restaurant
Let’s Go Dutch! – Going Dutch Posted by Sten on Feb 19, 2018

You’re in a restaurant with friends. The food is great, the music is nice, the waiters are friendly, and you’re having a lot of fun. Suddenly: Hier is de rekening! (Here is the bill!) – who is going to pay? Are you paying for all, or are you going Dutch? Check out other “Dutch”-terms posts here. Let’s Go…
Ordering Food in Dutch Posted by Sten on Jul 25, 2017
So last week, I discussed how to order drinks in Dutch. Let’s talk about ordering food today! Dietary preferences The first thing to consider is of course what your dietary preferences are. But what are those? Biologisch – biological, or organic food. Vegan / veganistisch – vegan food (you pronounce vegan the same as in English, by the way!)…
Ordering Drinks In Dutch Posted by Sten on Jul 16, 2017
Summer is here! And so a lot of terrassen (terraces), café’s (cafés) and bars (bars) are flooded with people, trying to afkoelen (cool off) a little in the zomerse hitte (Summer heat). Many people are getting drinks to cool off – but how do you order drinks in Dutch? So, you decided to hit one of the many little terraces (terrasjes) in the city, sit down…
Dutch conversation in a restaurant Posted by noortje on May 26, 2010
Pointing on things on a menu is one way to order your food and drinks, but being able to have a normal conversation with the waiter or receptionist feels less awkward. Hereby some sentences that help you prevent such embarrassment. Hello. I would like to make a reservation for two at seven o clock tonight …