Tag Archives: spring
Welcome to the Netherlands, Spring! Posted by Karoly Molina on Apr 5, 2018

The beginning of Spring 2018 has been quite tumultuous with snow, rain and cold weather! The Dutch saying April doet wat het wilt! has been so true! Fortunately for the warm weather liefhebbers, this coming weekend will be warm and sunny so get your spring gear ready for the following activities! Go see some tulips! Spring in the…
The First Asparagus Picking NK Posted by Sten on May 29, 2016
Yesterday, the first Nederlands Kampioenschap (NK) (Dutch Championship) asperges steken (picking asparagus). Deelnemers (participants) from the twelve Dutch provinces competed on the aspergekwekerij (asparagus farm) Boereblij in Blaricum, province Noord-Holland (North Holland). Last year, we covered the first NK tegenwindfietsen. The Dutch like to invent creative championships to compete against each other! Het Kampioenschap The deelnemers…
Spring is in the Netherlands! Posted by Karoly Molina on Apr 24, 2015
Here in the Netherlands, we have enjoyed about two weeks of pretty sunny days. The change in weather has brought about the beautiful and cheerful spring to the Netherlands! Trees are blooming, terraces are filled, and the Dutch are out on their gardens. Now that we have a garden, we have also been spending lots…
Driest Spring, Wettest Summer Posted by heather on Sep 2, 2011
It is a regular conversation point to talk about the weather and now it seems there is a very good reason to do so. According to the national weather service, the KNMI, this summer was the wettest summer in the Netherlands since 1906. If your summer BBQ was rained out, it was probably because of…
Dutch Spring Vocabulary Word Search Posted by sarah on Apr 21, 2010
Well, it is official. Spring has arrived in the Netherlands. And how can I tell this for certain? The weather is warmer, the sun shines occasionally, my garden is beginning to grow and pretty soon the Keukenhof will be filled with people eager to see all the beauty that a few million tulips can bring. …