Dutch Language Blog

Tag Archives: Strange Places

What’s That Bulge On The Dutch Coastline? Posted by on Apr 26, 2021

Maasvlakte Netherlands Map Haven Port of Rotterdam

When you look at the coastline of the Netherlands, it’s remarkable how smooth it is. Shaped by the sea, there are no jagged, rocky shores or edges. Except… Just above Zeeland, there’s a bulge. What’s that? Is it natural? Or another handmade piece of land? For other posts in the series Strange Places in the…

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Baarle – One of the strangest municipalities on Earth Posted by on Jul 8, 2019

If you dare to look closely at the map of Belgium, you find something weird: There is a little small bit in the north of the country that is surrounded by Dutch land, with no territory connecting it to Belgium! And it gets even more complicated… How did this exclave (or, enclave for the Netherlands)…

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Another Weird Island In Dutch Waters – Forteiland Pampus Posted by on Mar 26, 2016

Another weird island in Dutch waters! Previously, I talked about the weird “eye” in the IJsselmeer, the IJsseloog. Now, I have discovered that there is another such a weird island in the Netherlands! It is a weird oval, in the middle of the IJmeer, with a weird grey oval on top of it…  Who made this island…

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The IJsseloog – Made by Dutch Hands? Posted by on Jun 18, 2015

A strange, round shape can be found right in the IJsselmeer. A deserted and lonely island? Did nature create that? Aliens? It is a bit weird. There are roads all around that hole, and even some buildings it seems. What is that weird round eye right in the Ketelmeer between the two parts of the Dutch…

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