Tag Archives: time
Telling Time in Dutch: A Refresher Posted by Sten on May 18, 2020

Let’s take a look at how to tell time in Dutch, and some useful sentences and information around the time in the Netherlands. Always useful to be able to figure out the time, especially if you don’t have a watch or phone on you! Here’s some tips, things to look out for, and how it…
‘s Woensdags – How does the Dutch genitive work? Posted by Sten on Feb 25, 2019

How do you say “On Wednesdays, we go shopping in Amsterdam” in Dutch? The answer may not be as straightforward as you’d think. And that is what this post is about! Genitief ‘s Woensdags winkelen we in Amsterdam. What stands out in the sentence above? Perhaps the apostrophe and lowercase s at the BEGINNING of a sentence. Woensdags…
Talking About Time in Dutch Posted by Karoly Molina on Jul 30, 2017

In the land of agendas and appointments, talking about time is essential. The following are some essential words and phrases you can use when setting up your next appointment. Hoe laat wil je afspreken? It is useful to know how to ask at what time you would like to set up an appointment. While your…
What Time Is It? – Telling Time in Dutch Posted by heather on May 24, 2012
Telling the time in Dutch can be a little complicated until you get the hang of it. The real test comes after you have understood how it works and then need to explain that knowledge to someone else. Can you explain to someone how to tell the time in Dutch? If not, you might need…
Adverbs of Time and Order of Events Posted by heather on Mar 29, 2011
Last week I wrote about prepositions related to time. Sticking with the theme of time, this week we will look at some adverbs related to time and the words you might use when talking about order of events. For both, I will begin by sharing some useful vocabulary words with you, followed by an example…
Dutch Prepositions of Time Posted by heather on Mar 22, 2011
Today we are going to look at prepositions related to time. Prepositions link nouns, pronouns and phrases to other words in a sentence. For example: The book is on the table. The preposition on tells you where the book is located. It links the book with the table. Prepositions of time give you information about…
Hoe Laat is Het? : What Time is it in Dutch? Posted by sarah on Feb 15, 2010
Telling time in Dutch can be very confusing. I’ll try to keep this straightforward and hope that it helps. At some point a light bulb went off for me and I magically “got it” but it took a bit of practice to get there. Hoe laat is het? -What time is it? Weet je hoe…