Tag Archives: Utrecht
What You MUST Know About Dutch Train Stations (pt. 2) Posted by Sten on Sep 17, 2018

Last week, we looked at everything you need to know about Dutch train stations. Since there was so much to know, I decided to break it up in two parts, to make it easier digestible. Today, we will look a bit more at tickets and the infamous OV-chipkaart. In- en uitchecken The OV-chipkaart… We need to briefly…
What You MUST Know About Dutch Train Stations (pt. 1) Posted by Sten on Sep 10, 2018

We have written about Dutch trains before, about the experience of treinen (traveling by train) and we have given extensive vocabulary. However, we have never really discussed treinstations (train stations) and what peculiar things you can find there. I definitely recommend checking out the other two posts first, as they give some important information I will not explain again…
Indispensible – treinen! Posted by Sten on Mar 23, 2014
I think it is time for me to clear some things up about traveling in Dutch treinen (trains, singular trein). In everyday speech, the Dutch also introduced the verb treinen (literally ‘training’) to describe traveling by train. So just the word treinen can mean trains or ‘training’/traveling by train. To describe how treinen usually…
A new blogger in town – Tiffany Jansen, the American Cloggie Posted by tiffany on Mar 22, 2013
Hallo allemaal en iedereen! Ik ben Tiffany, the newest member of the blogging team here at Transparent Language. Since we’re going to be spending a lot of time together, I’d like to take my very first post to introduce myself. First off, don’t be fooled by the last name – I’m American through and through…
Top 5 things to see and do in Utrecht Posted by noortje on Oct 13, 2010
Amsterdam is overrated. At least I, a city-of-Utrecht-lover, thinks so. Therefore I present 5 sights/museums that should convince you to visit this lovely city of mine. Domtoren It’s the trademark of Utrecht: de Domtoren (the Dom tower). You can find this beautiful church in the center of Utrecht, on a square called the Domplein. It…