Top 5 Dutch New Year’s Resolutions Posted by Sten on Jan 2, 2017 in Culture, Dutch Language, Dutch Vocabulary
Let’s be honest, we all want to improve something about us. A great moment to start improving is the turn of a new year – and so many of us have new year’s resolutions, also the Dutch! We call them goede voornemens voor het nieuwe jaar (good resolutions for the new year). But what do the Dutch want to improve most? Here is an (unofficial) top 5 of what the Dutch would like to improve about themselves!
5. Ontstressen
On spot 5, we have ontstressen (destressing, relaxation). In our samenleving (society) today, we are always onder druk (under pressure). We always moeten, moeten, moeten (must, must, must). Few moments just give us peace and let us uitrusten (rest). So it is a good idea to take some time off for something like yoga (yoga), meditatie (meditation), or just some hobby that let’s you relax!
4. Stoppen met roken
On number 4 we have a classic: stoppen met roken (to stop smoking)! It is on the top of many lists of goede voornemens, and unsurprisingly so. Roken is slecht voor de gezondheid (bad for your health), duur (expensive), and moeilijk om af te komen (difficult to get rid of). Good idea!
3. Afvallen
Starting the top 3, another classic: afvallen (to lose weight). It is also hoog op het lijstje (high on the list) for many as well. Shedding some pounds are much gewenst (desired), and a challenge – it won’t change van de ene op de andere dag (from one day to another). It requires you to hard werken (to work hard)!
2. Sporten
To go sporten (to sport) is something we all know is gezond (healthy), gives you a goed gevoel (good feeling), and might help to replace the bad gewoonte (habit) of roken? Definitely not a bad idea, and coming op de tweede plaats (in second place) for the Dutch!
1. Meer tijd voor familie en vrienden
Isn’t this what it is all about? We werken hard, we sporten, we vallen af, we stoppen met roken, but what for? So we can have meer tijd voor familie en vrienden (more time for family and friends)! A great idea, but for some reason, we always feel like we are spending too little time with them. Maybe 2017 is the year?
What are your goede voornemens voor 2017? Do you have a goede voornemen in common with the Dutch? Let me know in the comments below!

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